Eva GutiƩrrez

Zaragoza · 667 084 357 · evagutierrez2106@email.com

Systems Management Technician

Web Development Programmer with experience in JS, PHP, CSS, Bootstrap, CMS.

QA tester with tools such as Jira, Zephyr, SAP.


QA tester

  • Work 100% remotely
  • Perform test plans
  • Execute web testing
  • Simulate product executions and performance
  • Thoroughly evaluate results
  • Discuss results in meetings
  • Perform live demos
  • Create manuals
  • Use programs such as SAP, Jira, Zephyr, Asana, Drupal
August 2021 - Current

Junior Programmer

  • Visualize mockup provided to take the web design
  • Layout and web development in WordPress
October 2019 - December 2019

Junior Programmer

  • Non-occupational internships in Application development with web technologies.
  • WordPress web design
  • WordPress web layout (Divi)
  • Web development with Bootstrap, Html and CSS
  • Using Mailchimp for advertising campaigns within the website
July 2019 - September 2019

Web Development

  • Non-work internships in the preparation and publication of web pages
  • Design the website for the company
  • To specify the design and functions of the web page with the client
  • Layout and publication of the company's web site
June 2017

Academic Formation

IES Pablo Serrano Virtual

Higher Grade ASIR
  • Implement and administer operating systems
  • Planificar y administrar redes
  • Network planning and administration
  • Install and configure software
  • Evaluate the performance of hardware devices
  • Determine the telematic network infrastructure
  • Integrate communications equipment in telematic network infrastructures.
  • Manage users
  • Diagnose system dysfunctions
  • Securing computer equipment


Criminology Degree
  • To develop the capacity to make decisions and interpret legal norms
  • Designing, implementing and evaluating crime-related projects and actions
  • Know how to prepare, interpret and explain forensic reports
  • Be able to analyze the causes, factors and consequences of delinquency in an interdisciplinary manner


High School
  • Translating and understanding Greek texts
  • Translating and understanding Latin texts
  • Consolidate and deepen explicit and systematic knowledge of the structure of the language and its uses
  • Read, interpret and evaluate relevant works of Spanish literature
  • Understand and interpret the main ideas and basic lines of argument of texts expressed in English
  • Value the movements and actions that have been promoted in the history of Spain
  • Understand and express different philosophical conceptions
  • Identify different conceptions of art throughout history, selecting and analyzing information critically
  • Autonomously adapt physical, perceptual-motor and coordination capacities, as well as motor skills and abilities

Professional Certificates


Computer Systems Management
  • Configure, administer and maintain a computer system at hardware and software level
  • Install, configure and administer the system's base and application software
  • Securing computer equipment
  • Perform software maintenance
  • Develop Audits and Business Continuity
  • Maintain computer equipment security

430 Hours

July 2024

CPIFP Los Enlaces

Development of applications with web technologies
  • Elaboration of web documents using markup languages
  • Carry out the development and reuse of software and multimedia components using scripting languages
  • Apply usability and accessibility techniques in the client environment
  • Developing web applications in the server environment
  • Accessing data in server-side web applications
  • Develop distributed web applications
  • Implement, verify and document Web applications in Internet, intranet and extranet environments.

510 Hours

June 2019


Preparation and publication of web pages
Introduction to Microsoft SQL SERVER Database
  • Build web pages
  • Integrating software components into web pages
  • Publish web pages
  • Create and manipulate databases

640 Hours

June 2017

Complementary Training

CENEC Málaga through CMV Consultores

FRONT Programming with Angular, React and Drupal
  • Develop Web Pages with Bootstrap, Html, JS, PHP
  • Designing Web Pages
  • Layout Web design with CSS
  • Installing and managing Drupal, React, Angular
  • Working in a team on a Java project
  • Attend the training scholarship in virtual classroom mode

224 Hours

June 2021

University Vueling through EFOR

.Net / C#
  • Perform training in .NET and C#
  • Use Visual Studio code editor
  • Working as a team to carry out a project
  • Testing the project with Visual Studio code
  • Develop project code with Bootstrap
  • Attending the training grant in person

2 months

March 2020

Kings Corner FormaciĆ³n S.L.

Computer and communication systems security
  • See an introduction to security
  • To observe the main problems of computer security
  • Managing security
  • Control secure operating systems
  • Check Malware
  • Ensure physical security and environment
  • IT security in the enterprise, on the Web and in wireless networks
  • Keeping security continuously updated

150 Hours

Agost 2019


Web Development and Computer Security
  • Conduct Web Development school on the Plazti training platform
  • Conduct a Computer security school on the Plazti training platform


Technical College S.L.

English: Basic Transport
  • Learning grammar and linguistic structures
  • Exercising oral expression
  • Practice expressions and vocabulary related to transportation

250 Hours

March 2011


  • Responsive Design
  • Web testing in different environments, browsers and devices.
  • Remote teamwork.
  • Agile development and Scrum
  • Web development
  • Configure, administer and maintain a computer system at hardware and software level.

Additional Information

In my spare time, I have designed, developed and published several websites, such as "www.adoptahuellas.com" "www.bulukiweb.me" "eguti.website".

This has allowed me to put into practice my technical and creative skills, and develop a deep understanding of web design principles.

I am always in continuous training on my own through online platforms such as Plazti or Udemy. such as Plazti or Udemy.